Monday, June 25, 2012


Life IS GOOD.... :)

Or at least that was on my Son's message inside his Dove Dark chocolate... and YES...
.......I AGREE with DOVE!!  

There are so many reasons in a day that make me smile...

The reason I put "YOU MAKE ME SMILE by Uncle Kracker  on my phone

 the blessings of my two... 

(and really I should say three because my life wouldn't be the same without RustyPete)

 (We've come a long way & still it seems we have so far to go.
Together we have it made!    I love my kiddos!!)

 of course there is ........
"C H O C O L A T E."    :)

just now.....  I wrote for all of you....
(I will try and do better... I know it has been a while...)

Ride the Wave

Make use of every moment... 
Time just blinks away so quick
The beat of a heart can be faster still
Like fragile crystal can break 
Love can seem to life make
Catch each wave of oportunity
Before it swells to high
Pull yourself UP
BALANCE upon the souls your feet
RIDE that wealth of strength to shore.... :)
jeri diane sharpe 6/25/12 

"btw...  yesterday..was someone's birthday.... & the 21st my brother's... love you guys!!
xoxox ~ Happy Birthday... we no longer talk of years ... right? lol!!"

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