Saturday, January 15, 2011

Watchful Fearful Heart....

Watchful Fearful Heart upon my sleeve
Awaiting Love's peaceful embrace to take leave
Always fearful our time will end
"Can't we always just be friends?"
When lines get crossed
Does passion betray pact?
Just when do you realize... 
...there is no turning back?
Many a bend in Love's river
The rapids tend wide
They move a bit faster
Than the small of the brook
Hearts knee deep now in rough water
Floating uneasy and watching
The rhythm of each cast
Random skips a top the water
Ungrudging jolts landing nothing...
Just coming up blank
Yet, true love can't be found and kept 
in the safety of a tank
Fearful hearts always bit slow to set the hook
Later finding them already within
Set deep
Unsure hearts only venture
Such a river or brook
Pulled by Love only fishing
To catch
Keep real
The bounty of Love's wild river
For all hearts willing, or not
to reel.

By Jeri Menane Sharpe 

Video/Song for this post:
Adam Lambert ~Whataya Want From Me

Stay on the Sunny Side of the Street!

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